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Yulianti Tiopani SimbolonOffline

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  • Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
  • Pertamina University
  • Awardee

Info Profil

Tanggal Lahir


Nama Depan


Nama Belakang

Tiopani Simbolon

Asal Universitas


Alamat Domisili

Jl. H. Soleh I No.49 RT 07/RW 02, Sukabumi Selatan, Kec. Kebon Jeruk, Kota Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11560

Kontak Whatsapp
Kota Domisili

Jakarta Barat

Life Goal

I am ongoing undergraduate student of Pertamina University who majoring in management and currently in 5th semester with GPA 3.97. I am awardee of Pertamina University Invitation Scholarship 2021 with full scholarship along 4 years. I am a person who have strong motivation for always improving and sharpening my skills & abilities by joining a lot of training and development programs. I am interest in business and training & development field, especially in Human Resources Management and have good skill in communication and public speaking

Deskripsi Diri

My name is Yulianti Tiopani Simbolon. I was born on 17th July 2003 in Curup, Bengkulu. You can call me Yuli or Uli. I am 2nd child from 5 siblings. Currently, my family members live in Banyuasin, South Sumatera but I live in Jakarta because I take my undergraduate education in Pertamina University Jakarta. I was born in a family with low-middle economic condition. It encourages me for giving harder effort for getting scholarship in order to be able to continue my education until to university

Hobi dan Minat


My hobbies are reading, singing and listening music. I love to read a lot of books especially self development and business book. It really interesting for me. Beside that I also love singing and usually I like pop genre. I also like to listening the music almost everyday because I feel relax when listening the music

Music Bands / Artists Favorit

Taylor Siwft, Byonce, Tulus, Lyodra, Judika

Buku favorit

Alpha Girl Alpha Woman

Mimpi Sejuta Dollar

Dare to Dream Big

Start with Why

Movies favorit

Laskar Pelangi

Sang Prawira on Youtube

Sang Pemimpi



Prestasi dan Keahlian

Jurusan/Bidang Studi

Pertamina University

Prestasi Pada Bidang Akademik

My senior high school is SMAN Sumatera Selatan and then I continue my Education in Pertamina University since September 2021 with full scholarship





Jl. H. Soleh 1 No 49 RT 07/RW 02, Sukabumi Selatan, Kec. Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat



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