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Vika Septi RahmawatiOffline

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  • Gambar riwayat Vika Septi Rahmawati

    Vika Septi Rahmawati

    3 bulan, 1 minggu lalu

    Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing well!

    I wanted to share about my internship experience during last semester break. From December 2023 to February 2024, I had the opportunity to intern at BNI Sekuritas Yogyakarta. It was truly an incredible opportunity and a great experience to intern here. I learned a lot about stock analysis, both fundamentally and technically. It was my first time dissecting company financial reports and tracing the sentiments that would affect their stock. I also learned about reading stock patterns and analyzing indicators. Additionally, I had the chance to work on several equity research projects and macroeconomic analyses.



