Foto Profil

Shofiyyah Mubtadiatul 'AdalahOffline

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  • Malang, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • English Literature
  • Awardee

Prestasi dan Keahlian

Jurusan/Bidang Studi

English Literature

Keahlian yang Dimiliki

Translating, teaching, editing video and photo

Prestasi non-akademik

Top 5 Voice Over Competition Station 8 Tingkat Nasional by Simfoni FM (2024)

1st Winner MHQ Competition 5 Juz Tingkat Provinsi Jawa Timur by KAMMI Jatim (2024)

2nd Winner MHQ Competition 3 Juz Tingkat Nasional by KAMMI Pusat (2023)


Peminatan Entrepreneurial Leadership





Jl. Joyo Raharjo Gg. IX No.2 Merjosari, Lowokwaru, Kota Malang



Info Profil

Tanggal Lahir


Nama Depan

Shofiyyah Mubtadiatul

Nama Belakang


Asal Universitas

UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Kota Domisili


Deskripsi Diri

A dreamer girl with a heart full of inspirations, always striving to make a positive impact on the world around me. My greatest happiness comes from helping people and making society better.  Every step I take and every dream I chase is driven by a deeper desire to attain Allah’s blessings.

Hobi dan Minat


I love listening to music, reading a novel, watching movie, traveling, and making content in my instagram.

Music Bands / Artists Favorit

Muslim singers, such as Maher Zain, Raef, Harris J

Olahraga Favorit

Jogging and swimming

Buku favorit

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Teruslah Bodoh Jangan Pintar by Tere Liye

Minat dan Bakat

I am passionate in editing video and photo.


