Foto Profil

Shofiyyah Mubtadiatul 'AdalahOffline

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  • Malang, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • English Literature
  • Awardee

Info Profil

Tanggal Lahir


Nama Depan

Shofiyyah Mubtadiatul

Nama Belakang


Asal Universitas

UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Kota Domisili


Deskripsi Diri

A dreamer girl with a heart full of inspirations, always striving to make a positive impact on the world around me. My greatest happiness comes from helping people and making society better.  Every step I take and every dream I chase is driven by a deeper desire to attain Allah’s blessings.

Hobi dan Minat


I love listening to music, reading a novel, watching movie, traveling, and making content in my instagram.

Music Bands / Artists Favorit

Muslim singers, such as Maher Zain, Raef, Harris J

Olahraga Favorit

Jogging and swimming

Buku favorit

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Teruslah Bodoh Jangan Pintar by Tere Liye

Minat dan Bakat

I am passionate in editing video and photo.

Prestasi dan Keahlian

Jurusan/Bidang Studi

English Literature

Keahlian yang Dimiliki

Translating, teaching, editing video and photo

Prestasi non-akademik

Top 5 Voice Over Competition Station 8 Tingkat Nasional by Simfoni FM (2024)

1st Winner MHQ Competition 5 Juz Tingkat Provinsi Jawa Timur by KAMMI Jatim (2024)

2nd Winner MHQ Competition 3 Juz Tingkat Nasional by KAMMI Pusat (2023)


Peminatan Entrepreneurial Leadership





Jl. Joyo Raharjo Gg. IX No.2 Merjosari, Lowokwaru, Kota Malang




