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Shinta Rella AnissaOffline

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  • Last Wednesday, I went to Malaysia as one of the delegates from my faculty. I learned a lot about new cultures, gained new experiences, and made friends.
    It was so exciting to spend the whole day here.

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  • Pada hari Rabu, 5 Juni 2024, aku baru saja menyelesaikan sidang magangku. Dari pengalaman ini, aku mendapatkan pelajaran bahwa masih banyak hal yang perlu aku pelajari khususnya terkait bidang yang aku tekuni di perkuliahan dan juga tentang public speaking.

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  • Being entrusted as the Master of Ceremony for the internal iftar event with the founders of OK OCE, Mr. Sandiaga Uno and Mr. Indra Uno, was an incredible honor. Standing before the audience, I felt the surge of energy fueling my spirit. Through this experience, I not only had the opportunity to lead the event with pride but also to share valuable…Read More

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  • [ Review Novel “Breasts and Eggs” Karya Mieko Kawakami: Kisah Tiga Wanita dalam Kehangatan dan Keheningan Tokyo ]

    Hi Instarter friends! Jadi kali ini, aku mau memberikan review soal salah satu novel yang menarik perhatian aku bangettt!! If you are interested to know more, please kindly to read my review! Enjoy! 🌺🌷🪷

    “Breasts and Eggs” karya…Read More

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  • [ Update Semester 6: Sekotak Raya – Rice Box Ramah Lingkungan dan Berbagi Kebaikan ]

    Hai Instarter friends!

    Pada semester 6 ini, aku ingin berbagi tentang pengalaman seru di mata kuliah Komunikasi Bisnis. Di mata kuliah ini, aku dan tim ditantang untuk menciptakan ide bisnis yang inovatif dan bermanfaat.

    Setelah melalui sesi brainstorming…Read More

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  • Triumphant Return from PRAction UI 2024!

    The Communication Studies department at Universitas Udayana is riding high again!

    Our phenomenal team secured an impressive 2nd place finish at the prestigious national PR Campaign Competition, “PRAction UI 2024,” organized by the University of Indonesia Vocational Program.

    Held from March 2023 to…Read More

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