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Shinta Rella AnissaOffline

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Alamat Domisili

Saelus Street No.28, West Denpasar.

Kota Domisili


Deskripsi Diri

Shinta Rella is an active woman who is interested and sensitives to adapting in the digital era. Currently, she’s studying as a communication student at Udayana University and eager to learn and collaborate on innovative projects!

She also has strong interest in marketing communication, business development, public relations and entrepreneurship.

On the other hand, Shinta fuel her passion on Content Creative as TikTok Content Creator. She collaborates with brand to tell their campaign and stories effectively!

In the next part, she has huge ambitions to reach her goals in the business field and education environment not to mention she has planning to build a digital start-up in the future.

Hobi dan Minat


Saya memiliki hobi membaca buku novel dan membuat konten TikTok (@shintarella). Selain itu, saya juga memiliki hobi dalam bidang olahraga, sepeti tennis, bulu tangkis, dan pilates.

Music Bands / Artists Favorit

Soal musik, saya tidak memiliki spesifik musik yang saya sukai, tetapi saya sering mendengarkan lagu dari Disney Music atau musik-musik beraliran pop dan RnB.

Olahraga Favorit

Tennis, Bulu Tangkis, dan Pilates.

Buku favorit

Buku favorit saat ini sih ” Cantik itu Luka” Karya Eka Kurniawan


Foto Profil
Fitrasani Aulia Azra
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Afifah Eka Teriani
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Revi Ayu Amelia


