Prestasi dan Keahlian
S1 Farmasi
Juara 2 Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah MIPANTASTIC FMIPA USU 2023
Peraih Pendanaan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Bidang PKM-Kewirausahaan 2023
Peraih Pendanaan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Bidang PKM-Karsa Cipta 2023
Public Speaking, MC
Content Creator 10 akun++
Relawan Bakti Sosial 10++ event
Master of Ceremony 3++ event
Jl. Cirebon 76A, Ps.Baru, Kota Medan
Info Profil
Universitas Sumatera Utara
To become my own standart of public figure.
Do you know backbuner? Yes, i show you the real everyone second choice. That is “Pharmacy” instead “FK”. Call me Len. Am a 3rd year pharmacy student. Just a human being that trying to be extrovert-multitalent student for the last 6 months. My 2024 resolution? Nah, too many.
Hobi dan Minat
Update my life useing reels, listening music, journaling, go to aesthetic place, get free food and sleep.
Tulus, Taylor Swifts, AJR, Jess Glyne, Nyoman Paul, Seojeong
Badminton, Kasti
3 idiots, The Way Home, Stand by Me
Take Photo and Cinematic things, Singing, Edit