Foto Profil

galuh ramadhanOffline

0 out of 5
0 Ratings
  • Nganjuk, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Awardee

Info Profil

Nama Lengkap
Tanggal Lahir


Nama Depan

Muhammad Galuh

Nama Belakang


Asal Universitas

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Kota Domisili


Deskripsi Diri

I’m a person with full of great interest in science and knowledge, ambition and also hardworking, also strong organizational
abilities with proven successes managing multiple academic projects and volunteering events. If there is an obstacle, i will
definitely face it and pass it without hesitation and I have my own motivation to keep pushing me, that is dream it, do it, get it


