Foto Profil

Ni Made Cantya Fuza AdelamajidOffline

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  • Bandung, Universitas Padjadajaran

Info Profil

Tanggal Lahir


Nama Depan

Ni Made Cantya Fuza

Nama Belakang


Asal Universitas

Universitas Padjadajaran

Kota Domisili


Deskripsi Diri


International Relations student at Padjadjaran University, majoring in gender development and foreign policy. Experienced in public relations and administration manament. Passionate about writings, singing, and volunteering. Able to think conceptually, detail-oriented, and have good interpersonal skills. A committed person who participates in organizations and willing to broaden her knowledge and self-development. She seeks opportunities and challenges to upgrade her skills and escalate her experience while making impacts on herself and her surroundings.

Hobi dan Minat


Menulis dan Bernyanyi

Music Bands / Artists Favorit

Noh Salleh, The Beatles


